Monday, November 28, 2016

Welcome Back

I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break. The students are definitely energized to be back in school. We had a great day learning about the Roman army, muscles, and began reading Little House on the Prairie

Since we did not have Spalding homework last week, many of the students forgot that I have begun sending home the week's worth of spelling words on Monday, so be on the lookout for that and keep it for the rest of the week.

We began reading Little House on the Prairie today, and will be reading it for the next few weeks. Please send in your child's copy of the book starting tomorrow so they can participate. Also, we did not finish reading chapter 1 in class, so part of their homework will be to finish the chapter. They can include that in their 20 minutes of reading for the evening. We ended on page 13, so there are only a few pages left for them to read.

I am sending home two different papers for science, one that will be due tomorrow and one that will be due on December 16. The paper that is due tomorrow has the title "Name That Muscle" and requires your student to do as many push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and jumping jacks they can. The back of that page has another activity that they are not required to do. The other paper, which will be due on December 16 is called "Work Out Your Heart" and is just a calendar to keep track of how often a week your student exercises for 20 minutes or more.

The last worksheet for homework today is a reading on the Roman Army. We talked a lot about them in class today so the reading should just be a re-enforcement of what we have already discussed, as well as a few questions that should be in the reading.

I announced to the class today that the poem "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Night" will need to be ready to be presented on December 13. They received a copy of the poem at the beginning of November on a bright green piece of paper. So just add that to your calendar as well.

We have another due date coming up for the Roman Project Week project. They will need to be turning in three details that they will be focusing on in their project soon. This is to ensure that they are learning time management as well as alleviate the stress of leaving it all until the end.

Have a wonderful evening!
~Miss Carnahan

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